It feels like Summer is near...
The sun is out for longer and we've had some warm sunny days. Our first week back has been quick but fun. This week we have been logging ourselves onto Purple Mash and learning keys on the keyboard. We can used the shift key to add capital letters, the enter key to move down the page and space bar. In PE we have been sending and receiving the ball. DT this term is all about freestanding structures. We talked about freestanding structures we know in our city and around the world. In Science we looked at animal families and sorted them into their groups. PSHE is all about relationships, this week is about families and how families can look different but are all filled with love. In art we looked at videos and pictures of birds and recreated what we could see. History this half term is all about toys now and in the past. For Geography we have been looking at our local area using maps.
Lots of learning has happened this week!
Year 1 Team
