Fabulous work in Oak!
The children have worked extremely hard this half term. They have practised counting, number recognition, ordering numbers, writing and...
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Animal Art in Hazel Class.
Today during our art lesson we used a magnifying glass so we could see animal skins in detail. First we worked with our partners to match...
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Busy Term in Rowan
We have had a very busy term in Rowan Class working extremely hard! In Maths we have been learning about making doubles and doing this...
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Flying the flags in Sycamore
Linked to our previous learning about Henri Matisse and his cutting and sticking methods of collage, we have created the flag of Jamaica....
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Take Care for Bobby - Sycamore
We have been using exercise bikes to raise money for the Bobby Colleran Trust that was established to improve road safety. We were...
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Busy Bees in Oak!
This week we have been working on arrays in Maths and learning about rows and columns. We have also been doubling numbers up to 10 + 10....
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Shape detectives in Elm class!
We worked with a partner identifying properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We named the shapes, counted edges, faces, vertices and looked for...
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Reception....Read Write Inc.
The focus of this week's blog is reading and writing. What is Read Write Inc.? It is a phonics scheme that teaches children to read...
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Making music in Hazel!
Today in class, we played with musical instruments. We moved our bodies to the beat of the music and then used our instruments to make...
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