Comparing and Contrasting Texts!
Last week in Chestnut we read the story of 'Dogger' by Shirley Hughes. We then looked at an Oxford Reading Tree picture book called 'The...
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Another exciting Forest School day...
Year 1 enjoyed another exciting session of Forest School this week. We learned a new skill - peeling! First we had to make sure we used...
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Money Problems in Chestnut!
Every day in Chestnut we find the correct coins to pay for our snack. It's interesting to see the different coins we can use to make the...
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Algorithm Challenge in Chestnut..
Over the past few weeks we have been working with our talking partners to follow a set of simple instructions or 'algorithm' to make it...
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Mike The Elf
Mike the Elf West Derby, Liverpool Dear All Friends at Blackmoor Park Infant School I have arrived at your school! I met with Mrs Garrett...
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PE in Pine Class
In our PE lessons this term we are looking at developing our social skills. Our learning goals for this term are: ALL of us can work...
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Teddy Bears' Picnic
It was Buttons the Bear's birthday. Reception celebrated by making birthday cards, party hats and writing invitations to a teddy bears'...
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PE in Elm class
In our PE lessons this term we are looking at developing our social skills. Our learning goals for this term are: ALL of us can work...
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PE in Chestnut Class
In our PE lessons this term we are looking at developing our social skills. Our learning goals for this term are: ALL of us can work...
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PE in Beech Class
In our PE lessons this term we are looking at developing our social skills. Our learning goals for this term are: ALL of us can work...
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