A historic week...
This week we have been celebrating the Coronation and Eurovision in Liverpool. We made crowns. talked about the coronation ceremony, ate...
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Its good to talk...
This week in Year 1 we have been reading Ruby's Worry. Many children in Year 1 were a bit worried before moving to Year 1. They said that...
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Always exploring and discovering...
This week we have been measuring using rulers. We have been focusing on remembering the correct steps to measure correctly. We explored...
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Another busy but fun week
This week in year 1 we have enjoyed learning about The Great Fire of London, experimenting with materials, using the Bee Bots and using...
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We are fantastic learners
In Year 1 we have been Musicians, Mathematicians and Scientists. We are investigating Christianity and what it means for Christians. We...
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Week 3 in Year 1!!!
Year 1 have settled really well into school and are embracing new rules and routines. We are really enjoying our new environments and...
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