Exciting times in Year 2!
In History last term, our focus was all about the Victorians. On our launch lesson we learned all about Queen Victoria and looked at...
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Year 2's First Week Back!
Hello and welcome to the start of a new year in Year 2. We had a lovely time last week settling down in our new classes and got up to...
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Always learning and exploring...
This week we have been have been drawing birds from photographic sources. We decided what type of pencil to use for the task and off we...
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It feels like Summer is near...
The sun is out for longer and we've had some warm sunny days. Our first week back has been quick but fun. This week we have been logging...
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First week back...
This week has been fun. We are exploring watercolours in art. Plants in science. Grouping data in computing. We sang a song in Spanish...
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A love of learning...
In year 1 we love our new topics and absorbing new information. We are currently learning all about the body and our senses in Science....
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December is here...
This week we have been looking at the weather and appropriate clothes in science. During sessions Music we have been rehearsing our...
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Artists, scientists and discussions oh my...
This week we continued our printing. We used items pressed in dough to make prints. It was so exciting to see our final prints on the...
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The children are excited...
Talks of the nativity are upon us in Year 1 - we can feel the excitement. We are busy singing the songs and listening to our friends say...
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The weather has changed!
In Year 1 we check the weather in Liverpool every day. We look at temperature, wind direction, percentage of rain and hours of sunlight....
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