Blackmoor Park Infant School
& Kindergarten
Part of The Three Saints Academy Trust
Children are continuously assessed by staff to find out what they have learnt and to enable effective planning of the curriculum to ensure the progression of each of the children. These assessments are made against age related expectations which can be found in the New National Curriculum document. Records are kept in school and the progress of children is tracked.
This information is shared with parents/carers at open evenings meetings.
However during their time in school they will be also assessed in line with statutory requirements.
An Early Years assessment is completed at the start and end of their Reception year, a Phonics Assessment in Year 1 and SATs (Statutory Assessment Tests) are administered at the end of Year 2.
Our Assessment Managers are:
Mrs Rattigan for EYFS (Assistant Headteacher)
Miss Wilkins for Key Stage 1 (Assistant Headteacher)