Knowsley Safari Park
We had a great day at the safari park on Monday. After our guided tour of the safari drive, we watched the sea lion show whilst eating...
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Reception Bakers!
This week we have had great fun making bread. We learned all about the ingredients and where they came from. We also learned how to knead...
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Skipping in the sunshine
The children worked together to use a big skipping rope at lunch time and took it in turns to demonstrate their good skipping skills....
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Life in Reception!
We have had a fun filled few weeks in Reception. There has been lots of events happening around our school that we have been able to...
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The Teeny Weeny Tadpole - Kindi
We have been reading the story Teeny Weeny Tadpole! It's all about the life cycle of a frog. All of our activities have been super...
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Life in Pine!
We have been very busy in Pine recently! In English, we have enjoyed reading and writing all about, Fantastic Mr Fox. In History, we have...
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Beech Class's Eurovison Celebration!
Today we celebrated the international event Eurovision. We learned all about what the competition is all about and what countries take...
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Beech Class's Coronation Celebration!
On Tuesday we celebrated the King's Coronation in school. We wore red, white and blue and learned lots about what and why it is such an...
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A historic week...
This week we have been celebrating the Coronation and Eurovision in Liverpool. We made crowns. talked about the coronation ceremony, ate...
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Fun days in Kindi
We started our week learning all about our new King! We really enjoyed our Coronation party too... After learning all about the king we...
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