Knowsley Safari Park
We had a great day at the safari park on Monday. After our guided tour of the safari drive, we watched the sea lion show whilst eating lunch. The big sea lion had to leave the show for being too naughty! So we watched the small one do tricks on the side and off the diving board. We screamed with excitement at every trick he did! Then we went to the bird of prey show - the birds were so close to our heads. We clapped and shrieked every time one swooped overhead. Then we were on a mission to spot the meercats, giraffes and tiger. We arrived at the tigers just as they were being fed. The tiger chased Elm Class up and down the enclosure (we think we may have looked tasty to him). After such a busy day we finished with a play on the playground with our friends. All the children (and adults) are still feeling the effects of our brilliant day 3 days later.
Have a lovely rest during half term - see you in June!
Year 1 team