Exciting Writing and Super Shapes
This week in Pine we have been exploring traditional tales and alternative tales where the main characters swap roles. We read The Three...
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Goldilocks and the Three Bears
We have been connecting our learning around Goldilocks and the Three Bears this week. All of the children have showed good understanding...
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A love of learning...
In year 1 we love our new topics and absorbing new information. We are currently learning all about the body and our senses in Science....
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A little snow a little rain a little sun...
We've been on weather watch this week. All the children wished for snow - the teachers wished for sun! The temperature has dropped, we...
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Fun Times in Reception
We have had a jam packed week in Reception. We have been exploring our 'Man on the Moon' book. In our activities we have sequenced the...
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Kindi Kindi Kindi
We have been really busy this week learning learning learning! We started our week by sharing our weekend news with our friends... We...
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We are architects in Pine
This half term we are exploring architecture. This week we learned about an architect; Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928–2000) We looked...
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Our learning in Pine this week.
This half term we are learning about habitats, the animals that live there and how to protect the environment. We know that plastics harm...
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We are ready for a new term...
We are back from our break ready to learn lots of exciting new information. We have been focused and eager to explore new topics.
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A busy week in Reception!
Welcome back after the Christmas break, it is lovely to see everybody fit and healthy. This week we have welcomed our grown ups in to...
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