Physical Activity Day
Today we we so excited for Physical Activity Day. The sun was shining and we had so much fun. The activities were brilliant; javelin...
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Year 1 trip: Knowsley Safari Park
We had the best day at Knowsley Safari Park. We were the first children to see the giraffes this morning eating their breakfast. After...
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This week has been shiny and bright...
We love a sunny week at school. It puts us all in a great mood - ready to learn. Year 1 team
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A Right Royal Occasion...
Well what a busy week we have had! We have been finding out so much about our Queen and her role. We have learned lots of new...
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Fun in the sun (when its not raining)...
A catch up from last week and this week Year 1 Team
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Rhymes and number lines
This week in year 1 we have been revisiting primary colours, secondary colours and also printing using our own colour palettes. We talked...
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Settling back into school...
This week we have been looking back on the amazing topics we were taught last term. We remembered sculptures, talked about materials they...
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The end of Spring term...
This week has been so fun! We made Rice Krispy cakes to help us write instructions. We orally rehearsed our sentences before we wrote...
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Always exploring and discovering...
This week we have been measuring using rulers. We have been focusing on remembering the correct steps to measure correctly. We explored...
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Science week - all about bees...
This week is Science week at Blackmoor Infants. We have been investigating Bees. Our first question was - What is a bees job? We...
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