Reception and KS1 Phonics Support
Below is a link to help you support your child's phonics and reading. The children are all at different points in their reading and...
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Year Two- Home Schooling
Hello children, parents and carers. We hope you have enjoyed completing last week’s activities on Purple Mash. We have really enjoyed...
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Chestnut Challenges - Home Learning
Hello children, parents and carers, I hope you have enjoyed completing last week's activities. I have really enjoyed looking at all your...
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Keeping in touch - Class emails
Hello everybody, I hope you are all well and safe. Apologies for the delay of Home Learning tasks. Our school is a Hub and therefore we...
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Kindergarten Home Learning
Dear children and families, Given the current climate, everyone from the Kindi team hopes that you are staying safe and looking after...
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Reception Home Learning
Dear children and families, Everyone here at Blackmoor Park Infants are missing you already and we hope you are staying safe and well. We...
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Year One Home Schooling
Dear Parents and/or carers, We continue to hope you are all well, happy and safe at home. On our website you will soon find a list of...
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Year Two Home Schooling Tasks
Hello again children, parents and carers. We continue to hope you are all well and happy at home. On our website you will soon find many...
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Year Two Home Schooling on Purple Mash
Good morning children, parents and carers! We hope you are all happy and safe at home. We are missing all your smiling faces. As well as...
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The smartest giant in town
In reception we have been reading 'The smartest giant in town' each classroom has set up exciting activities relating to the story.
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