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Year One Home Schooling

Dear Parents and/or carers,

We continue to hope you are all well, happy and safe at home.

On our website you will soon find a list of activities in each subject area for your child to complete at home in their Home Learning book. We posted books to the children who were unable to attend school last week so hopefully everyone should have a book and a pencil.

Feel free to complete as many of the tasks as you think is appropriate for your child.

We have also set activities on Purple Mash. We can see when your child has completed them and send feedback. Your child's personal 'log in' details can be found at the front of their Home Learning book and these activities are available to access now. I have enjoyed looking at some of these tasks that have already been completed. Well done. There were a few issues with Purple Mash at the start of the week but it is now working fine.

Each class will be given an email address so that you can email your class teacher and send work that the children have completed.

Also, if you have the time then your child could complete any homework tasks that they haven't had the chance to do yet in their homework book.

Joe Wicks is streaming a PE lesson everyday which is a great work out for the whole family.

ICT games is a great website for English and Maths activities that the children will enjoy. You could explore the games on this website, use Purple Mash and practise the sounds in the little yellow book this week while you are waiting for the other activities to be placed on the website.

Our school is a 'hub' therefore we have been extremely busy and we really appreciate your patience and understanding at this unprecedented and difficult time.

Thank you and take care.

The Year One Team

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