Easter Surprise!!
Oak class had a very special visitor on Friday and they were thrilled!! The Easter Bunny came to our classroom with a special chocolate...
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Special visit from the Easter Bunny!
All the children were very excited when the Easter Bunny came to visit! Happy Easter Everyone!
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Easter Is Nearly Here! 🐰
This week in Reception we have been busy learning and exploring. We have had our daily "Read, Write Inc" sessions, engaged in lots of...
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Sycamore Investigates Paper Airplanes
We used our knowledge of materials to design make and investigate paper airplanes. We concluded that the wind was the most important...
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Happy Easter to you all!
Hello to you All, We are having a fun craft day in Kindi. The children have enjoyed using paint to design their own pebble. The children...
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Sycamore investigates materials and light...
We investigated materials to see if they were transparent, translucent or opaque. To make it a fair test we all used the same materials,...
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Oak class are back!!
We have been very busy since returning to school on the 8th March. We are really happy to be back in school with all our friends as we...
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Reception Are Eager To Learn!
A fantastic week of learning in Reception. Along with our daily "Read Write Inc" lesson we have been exploring number 12 in maths,...
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Fantastic Phonics!
We love our daily Read Writ Inc lessons. We are successful in recognising sounds, blending sounds to read words, recognising tricky 'red'...
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Sycamore's Science Investigation
We explored plastic and how flexible a material it is. We observed how far one squeeze would project water to measure it's flexibility....
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