Christmas Fun in Willow
We have had a wonderful fun time in Willow this week. We have had lots of Christmas crafts, party games, party food and of course lots...
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Christmas Party Day - Oak Class
Oak class really enjoyed their party day. We had fun dancing to Christmas music. Everyone joined in pass the parcel and everybody got a...
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Party Time in Reception!
Reception had a wonderful time today, coming to school dressed ready to party. We all made a hat to wear, played games, danced and of...
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Disco Time for Year 1
We had a great time going into the hall together for a dance! We played games and danced with our friends and sang along to our favourite...
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Party day for Rowan class!
We had a great time celebrating today. We had lots of fun dancing, eating delicious food and playing lots of games. We all looked...
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Party day for Hazel class
Hazel class have had a fabulous day celebrating for our Christmas party. We have enjoyed a disco in the hall and eating lots of delicious...
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Party fun and games for Elm class!
We had a great day filled with fun and laughter with our friends. We enjoyed dancing to our favourite songs, eating delicious food and...
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Sycamore Christmas Party 2020!
We had great fun today playing games, dancing and eating party food!
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PE Superstars in Elm
This term in PE we are looking at developing our social skills. Our learning goals are: I can work sensibly with others, taking turns and...
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Elm's Santa Hunt
Elm class took part in a Santa Hunt. The children had to complete various challenges throughout the day to earn a letter to spell out the...
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