Science week - all about bees...
This week is Science week at Blackmoor Infants. We have been investigating Bees. Our first question was - What is a bees job? We...
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Mastery of Number
This week during our Mathematic lessons we have been exploring subtraction and addition as well as investigating time. The children are...
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We're going on a bee hunt!
It's science week in school and in Rowan it's all about the bees. This week we have been learning about bees and why they are so...
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Fabulous Friday
It has been an amazing week in Kindi, the weather has been beautiful and we have enjoyed a great week of lots of outdoor learning. Kindi...
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Sprinkles of Spring...
This week we have noticed little signs of Spring around school, new plants are making an appearance and it stays lighter for longer. This...
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Super week in Kindi
Fantastic learning and fun activities in Kindi this week. Maths has been fantastic Kindi are subitising. Comic Relief ….Red nose day and...
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PE Superstars!
This half term we are developing our creative skills. Our learning goals are: I can explore and describe different movements. I can begin...
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Dance Superstars!
Last term in PE we focused on developing our cognitive skills. Our learning goals were as follows: I can follow simple instructions. I...
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Year 1 love learning...
This week we are back to being busy worker bees. We have been sculptors in Art. Using the indoors and outdoors as a workshop and gallery...
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Wonderfully creative bunch!
Rowan love art and learning about current artist and artists from the past. We have enjoyed looking at the art of Jean-Michel Basquiat...
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