Knowsley Safari Park
We had a great day at the safari park on Monday. After our guided tour of the safari drive, we watched the sea lion show whilst eating...
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A historic week...
This week we have been celebrating the Coronation and Eurovision in Liverpool. We made crowns. talked about the coronation ceremony, ate...
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Always learning and exploring...
This week we have been have been drawing birds from photographic sources. We decided what type of pencil to use for the task and off we...
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It feels like Summer is near...
The sun is out for longer and we've had some warm sunny days. Our first week back has been quick but fun. This week we have been logging...
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Science Week...
The topic for Science Week 2023 is Connections. Bridges help us to make links to other places. So we decided to look further into how...
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London's burning, London's burning...
Whilst looking at The Great Fire of London in History we discussed good things that happened because of the fire. One big result is the...
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Busy days and interesting topics...
This week in year 1 has been great. Monday was a special day - Bobby's Day we all wore blue and made blue creations to hang in the hall...
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The week the snow came back...
This week we have been on weather watch. Will the snow stick or not? We weren't hopeful but on Friday morning we woke up to a blanket of...
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A great week with a dash of dressing up!
This week in Art we explored watercolours and looked at the artist Paul Klee. We discussed his art work and recreated our own in a...
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First week back...
This week has been fun. We are exploring watercolours in art. Plants in science. Grouping data in computing. We sang a song in Spanish...
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