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Admissions to Blackmoor Infant School and Kindergarten

Nursery (Kindi 3+) Places:

Nursery is for children who are 3 years old before September 1st each year.

We currently offer 65 full time places, this is split into  a mixture of 30 hour places for working parents with the codes provided by the HMRC/DWP. We also offer part time 15 hour places delivered either AM or PM for all 3 year olds.


We are also able to offer Wrap Around Child Care places for parents to purchase subject to availability through our Kindergarten provision.


Applications can be made during the school year your child reaches the age of 2 and are based on:

  1. A Child Looked after by the Local Authority.

  2. A Child with complex Special Educational or Social Needs.

  3. A Child who is registered with Kindergarten.

  4. A child who has a sibling in the school or associated Junior School.

  5. All other applicants who have expressed a preference for the school.

In priorities 1 to 5, if there are more applicants than there are places available, distance from the child’s permanent home address to the main entrance of Blackmoor Park Infant School will be used to determine which children are admitted.

In all cases where distance from home to school is used to determine admission, those children living nearest us will be given preference.

The distance will be measured by straight line distance between the child’s permanent home address and the School.


For oversubscribed schools parents will be required to provide proof of address e.g. council tax bill, utility bill, tenancy agreement, exchange of contracts if the property has recently been purchased.

How to apply for Kindi 3+:

To apply for a place in our Nursery provision please call and request or pop into the school office to collect an application pack which should be returned to school. You will then be informed in writing during April/May time preceding the September your is due to start Nursery.

All new Nursery pupils and parents are invited to an induction event in the summer term with some opportunities for stay and play sessions for your child to get to know the nursery staff and environment,. 

Reception Places:

As Blackmoor Park Infant School is a community school it follows the coordinated admission arrangements determined by Liverpool Local Authority.


If our school is not over-subscribed all children who apply will be admitted.
The Government’s infant class size legislation limits the number of pupils in infant classes (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) to 30 pupils per class.

Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs, where the school is named in the statement will be admitted.

A request for a place or attending our nursery attached to the school does not guarantee admission if the school is over-subscribed.


Where requests for places exceed the admission number, children will be allocated places in the following priority order:

Priority 1

  • Looked After Children in the care of the local authority

  • Children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a residence order or special guardianship order)


Priority 2

  • Children or families with exceptional medical / social needs. Applicants wishing to be considered under this criterion should submit documentary evidence by the closing date. Senior Council Officers will review the evidence and if necessary take advice from educational professionals, the Local Authority’s medical officer, social workers etc.


Priority 3

  • Children who will have a sibling in the school or the associated junior school when they are due to the start school.


Priority 4

  • All other applicants who have expressed a preference for the school.


In priorities 1 to 4, if there are more applicants than there are places available, distance from the child’s permanent home address to the main entrance of Blackmoor Park Infant School will be used to determine which children are admitted.

In all cases where distance from home to school is used to determine admission, those children living nearest us will be given preference.

The distance will be measured by straight line distance between the child’s permanent home address and the Blackmoor Park Infant School and Kindergarten using the local authority’s computerised measuring system.


When school is oversubscribed parents will be required to provide proof of address e.g. council tax bill, utility bill, tenancy agreement, exchange of contracts if the property has recently been purchased to the school. This proof my be provided to the school office after you have received your offer day letter.


All new Reception pupils are invited to an induction event in the summer term.



How do I apply for Reception places with a September start date: 


You can apply online for Reception class

From the beginning of September each year if you live in Liverpool and your child is eligible for reception class in September you can apply online for a school place at: 



· No need to wait for your allocation letter to arrive through the post and no delays with the postal system. 

· On approximately 16th April you will receive your child’s allocation offer by email and will also be able to view this online using login details. 


Please ensure that you apply before the closing date in January 2021

School – In Year Transfers:


Applications for in year transfers are co-ordinated by the school, the same criteria for Reception admissions is applied were a waiting list is in operation.



If you would like to come and look around the school we are happy to arrange a visit and answer any questions you may have.

Please telephone the office to make an appointment.

Blackmoor Park Infant School

45-65 Leyfield Road

West Derby


L12 9EY

Telephone: 0151 228 8576


Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust

Contact Us


Mrs J Hitchmough


Mr E Naylor


Mrs D Parker

Chair of School Committee:

Ms V Abraham

If you wish to contact the Headteacher, SENDCO or Chair of Committee, then please email the school at:

Need to Talk

© 2024 Blackmoor Park Infant School and Kindergarten.

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