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Year Two Home Schooling on Purple Mash

Good morning children, parents and carers!

We hope you are all happy and safe at home. We are missing all your smiling faces.

As well as work for you to do in your Learning Logs, which will be posted shortly, we would like you to do three activities a day on Purple Mash. these will include one English activity, one Maths activity and one Topic activity. These are set as your 'To Dos' when you log in.

Today's tasks have 48 hours for you to complete them in case you have difficulty logging on or understanding the tasks. Please be patient with us at this time as we will also be working at Blackmoor in it's new status as a Hub for Key Workers. We will be doing our best to ensure we have good communication with you all and that tasks are updated each day where possible.

Very kind regards Mr Frascina, Mrs Ware, Mrs Mahamy (The Year Two Team)

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Blackmoor Park Infant School

45-65 Leyfield Road

West Derby


L12 9EY

Telephone: 0151 228 8576


Part of the Three Saints Academy Trust

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Mrs J Hitchmough


Mrs C Pedersen

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Ms V Abraham

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