Life in Pine!
We have been very busy in Pine recently! In English, we have enjoyed reading and writing all about, Fantastic Mr Fox. In History, we have...
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Always learning and exploring...
This week we have been have been drawing birds from photographic sources. We decided what type of pencil to use for the task and off we...
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It feels like Summer is near...
The sun is out for longer and we've had some warm sunny days. Our first week back has been quick but fun. This week we have been logging...
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The week the snow came back...
This week we have been on weather watch. Will the snow stick or not? We weren't hopeful but on Friday morning we woke up to a blanket of...
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World Book Day!
Hello Everyone! We had a great day celebrating World Book Day! The children all looked amazing! In the morning we read lots of stories...
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Another week of fun learning in Reception!
This week our children have had a great time learning together. We have been practicing our precoding skills, using different painting...
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Learning is fun in Reception!
Due to unforeseen technical issues we have been unable to post on our website but thankfully we are back up and able to share our news...
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Pine's Teddy Bear's Picnic
As part of National Story Telling Week Pine had a Teddy Bear's picnic in our outdoor classroom Oak Hub. We sat and read our favourite...
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Exciting Writing and Super Shapes
This week in Pine we have been exploring traditional tales and alternative tales where the main characters swap roles. We read The Three...
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A love of learning...
In year 1 we love our new topics and absorbing new information. We are currently learning all about the body and our senses in Science....
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