Fun! Fun! Fun! In Kindi
This week we have found the areas we like to play in and played for a sustained amount of time with our friends and our grown ups. We...
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Year 2's First Week Back!
Hello and welcome to the start of a new year in Year 2. We had a lovely time last week settling down in our new classes and got up to...
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Always learning and exploring...
This week we have been have been drawing birds from photographic sources. We decided what type of pencil to use for the task and off we...
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Busy days and interesting topics...
This week in year 1 has been great. Monday was a special day - Bobby's Day we all wore blue and made blue creations to hang in the hall...
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Another week of fun learning in Reception!
This week our children have had a great time learning together. We have been practicing our precoding skills, using different painting...
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Learning is fun in Reception!
Due to unforeseen technical issues we have been unable to post on our website but thankfully we are back up and able to share our news...
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Numbers in Kindi
This week we continued to talk about the 'Three Billy Goats Gruff' noticing the number 3! This led us onto many different adventures into...
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Exciting Writing and Super Shapes
This week in Pine we have been exploring traditional tales and alternative tales where the main characters swap roles. We read The Three...
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Our learning in Pine this week.
This half term we are learning about habitats, the animals that live there and how to protect the environment. We know that plastics harm...
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We are ready for a new term...
We are back from our break ready to learn lots of exciting new information. We have been focused and eager to explore new topics.
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