Chestnut Challenges - Home Learning
Hello children, parents and carers,
I hope you have enjoyed completing last week's activities. I have really enjoyed looking at all your completed tasks and I'm pleased you are working so hard at home.
Below you will find the set tasks for the week ahead (30th March) to be completed on Purple Mash. Your log-in details can be found on the inside of your 'Home Learning Book'.
Monday 30th
English - About a Wolf
Maths - Bond Bubbles
Science - Marie Curie
Tuesday 31st
English - Adverbs Quiz
Maths - Number Chart Patterns
Science - Habitats
Wednesday 1st
English - Anna and the Third Leaf
Maths - Fractions
Geography - World Continents
Thursday 2nd
English - Ice Cream Tenses
Maths - Counting in 2, 3 and 5
Geography - Capitals of the British Isles
Friday 3rd
English - Superhero Profile
Maths Addition and Subtraction
History - Neil Armstrong
I hope you have fun completing these activities and don't forget you can email me to let me know about anything else you are up to (
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Ware