Year Two- Home Schooling
Hello children, parents and carers.
We hope you have enjoyed completing last week’s activities on Purple Mash. We have really enjoyed looking at all your completed tasks.
Below you will find the first ‘Learning Log’ for this week with plenty of ideas of projects linked to the topics we are currently studying. Feel free to complete as many of the tasks as you wish.
Again we have planned 3 activities per day for you to complete, 1 English, 1 Maths and 1 topic based (Science, History, Art or Geography) and they are set as tasks on Purple Mash. Some activities may also revise learning we have already completed. Your log-in details for Purple Mash can be found on the inside cover of your ‘Home Learning Book’.
Monday 30th March
English – About a Wolf (grammar).
Maths – Bond Bubbles (practise your number bonds to 20/50/100 or more if you fancy a challenge!)
Science – Marco Polo
(write a fact file about this famous scientist, do your research first!).
Tuesday 31st March
English – Adverbs Quiz
Maths – Number Chart Patterns.
Science – Habitats (what you can remember about where animals live?).
Wednesday 1st April
English – Reading and comprehension – Anna and the Third Leaf.
Maths – Fractions (halves and quarters).
Geography – World continents.
Thursday 2nd April
English – Ice Cream Tenses (past or present tense).
Maths – Counting in 2s, 3s and 5s (practise makes perfect, can you remember them quickly?).
Geography – Capitals of the British Isles.
Friday 3rd April
English – Superhero Profile (create your own superhero).
Maths – Addition and Subtraction.
History – Famous People, Neil Armstrong (Can you remember all the facts you have learned?).
We hope you have fun completing these activities and don’t forget to also keep active. Joe Wicks has a PE lesson every day Monday to Friday at 9am
Thank you for your continued support.
Mr Frascina, Mrs Ware and Mrs Mahamy
The Year Two Team