Always exploring and discovering...
This week we have been measuring using rulers. We have been focusing on remembering the correct steps to measure correctly. We explored different types of homes. We can orally rehearse and write our sentences. We compared homes in different countries, remembering a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop. In Science we looked at different types of flowers and trees, we can recognise; water lily, tulip, rose, oak tree and a chestnut tree. We love sculptures - and looked at gargoyles - what are they for? They look so ugly we thought! We looked at many pictures of gargoyles and then created out own. In PSHE cut and looked at items to sort them where they belong- bathroom or kitchen. Then using the same items we discussed if they are safe for children to use or not. In Computing we looked at instructions for Scratch Jr and cant wait to use it next week. For History we looked at pictures of local stately homes and answered questions; Where is it? Who lives here? When was it built?
Have a great weekend
Year 1 Team
