Remote Learning Over, Time To Celebrate! 🌈
Wow! it's such a long time since school was fully open and for lots of you remote learning began. We know you've all had ups and downs...
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Finish Line Friday!
You've done it! The last day of home schooling is nearly over (although I'm sure many of you will have allowed an early dart today!) We...
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World Book Day on purple mash!
Reception have been busy on purple mash this week thinking about different stories we know! Have a look and see if you recognise some...
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Purple Mash
Don’t forget to Log on to your purple mash this week there are lots of fun ‘2dos’ all about world book day! See if you know the stories...
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5 days to go!
Welcome to your last week of home learning! Only 5 more school days to go before you can hand the reigns back to us. We know that you are...
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The sun's out and Reception are busy bees!🐝
Welcome back, hope you had a fun and restful half term. The countdown is now on for everyone to return to a full school week but at the...
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A busy week on purple mash!
This week we have been catching up with things that happened whilst it was half term. It was valentines day on the 14th February on...
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