Reception Bakers!
This week we have had great fun making bread. We learned all about the ingredients and where they came from. We also learned how to knead...
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On a cold and frosty morning...
Christmas preparations are well underway. The classrooms are full of excitement and glitter. The nativities are all done - and we were...
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The show must go on....
This week we have been rehearsing our nativity. In the hall, dress rehearsals and performing for reception. It's been so much fun. Many...
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We're going on a...........
This week we have been creating our own story based on our topic book. We have invented new characters and new settings for our new story...
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The weather has changed!
In Year 1 we check the weather in Liverpool every day. We look at temperature, wind direction, percentage of rain and hours of sunlight....
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What a week!
Well it has been another really busy week in Year 1. The weather has been very changeable and as a year group we are watching, discussing...
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Busy Days in Year 1
Well we have had another really busy week in Year 1 with lots of lovely learning. We are getting really good at making 'the right...
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Its good to talk...
This week in Year 1 we have been reading Ruby's Worry. Many children in Year 1 were a bit worried before moving to Year 1. They said that...
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Beech's last week in year One
We have had a wonderful time in Year one and have developed many skills since September. We had a very busy last week in Year One...
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Growing our brains...
This week we have been learning about half's and quarters in numeracy. We went 'to the park' in PE putting on our Winter clothes and...
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