Oak Home Learning...Over and Out!
Day 5 of home learning in Oak has finished! A big well done to all children and parents as this week has been a little tougher than...
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Final day of home learning in Hazel
Well done, everyone, on completing a full week of home learning! We have all done a fantastic job in Hazel class, joining in with morning...
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Day 4 of Home Learning with Oak
So we have now completed four whole days of home learning - well done everybody!! We had fun on both our morning and afternoon zoom...
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Home Learning with Oak
Three days home learning have been completed already. Well done children for working so hard at home and thankyou for sending me some of...
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Home learning fun in Hazel!
We have been having lots of fun with our learning at home so far this week - I have seen so many wonderful examples of work and lots of...
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Home Learning with Rowan
It is Day 3 of home learning for Rowan Class and today we had fun catching up over Zoom and talking about the different plants we could...
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Home Learning with Oak
Well we have completed two days already....only 3 home school days to go so well done everybody. It was wonderful to see so many of the...
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Home Learning in Hazel
This week we have begun another home learning journey in Hazel Class. We have really enjoyed meeting each other twice a day on Zoom to...
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Final Celebration!
Good morning, everyone. We made it through the very last week of home learning and we are so excited to welcome all of the children back...
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World Book day Story Time
Thank you to all those families who were able to join the story zoom this morning. If you missed it then do not worry as Mrs Reaney has...
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