Exciting times in Year 2!
In History last term, our focus was all about the Victorians. On our launch lesson we learned all about Queen Victoria and looked at...
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Skipping in the sunshine
The children worked together to use a big skipping rope at lunch time and took it in turns to demonstrate their good skipping skills....
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Life in Pine!
We have been very busy in Pine recently! In English, we have enjoyed reading and writing all about, Fantastic Mr Fox. In History, we have...
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Science Week - Building Bridges in Beech!
The theme for this year's British Science Week was bridges and structures. In Year 2, we first learned about how bridges are made and...
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World Book Day 2023!
This year for world book day, we dressed up as our favourite character from a book. Throughout the day, we drew our favourite book covers...
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Blue for Bobby Day 2023!
This year for Blue for Bobby day, Year 2 dressed up in blue to show their support for Bobby. Throughout the day, we took part in...
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Our learning in Beech last term!
Last term, Beech had a fantastic time in all areas of their learning! Here is some of the things that we learned and got up to. Our D.T...
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Storytime fun with Beech class and friends.
As part of National Story Telling Week, Beech class brought their teddy bears and favourite story into school. We had a wonderful time,...
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Pine's Teddy Bear's Picnic
As part of National Story Telling Week Pine had a Teddy Bear's picnic in our outdoor classroom Oak Hub. We sat and read our favourite...
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Exciting Writing and Super Shapes
This week in Pine we have been exploring traditional tales and alternative tales where the main characters swap roles. We read The Three...
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