Jubilee Memories with Hazel class.
We had a fantastic day celebrating the platinum Jubilee. We learned about the history of Queen Elizabeth’s 70 year reign and made...
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Jubilee Day - 26/5/22 -Class Oak
This week we have been talking all about Queen Elizabeth II and focusing on the upcoming Jubilee! We have done lots and lots of...
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This week Stem Club was all about potions. We used pipettes to add the Polyjuice Potion (red cabbage water) to different solutions. We...
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Fun learning in Hazel class.
We had a very busy week in Hazel. We worked hard on learning the words to poems and then adding some actions to accompany them. We later...
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Performing Poetry
This week in Year 2 we have been reading, sharing and enjoying poetry. In Rowan we chose a poem called 'Say how you feel' and we...
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PE Superstars!
This term in PE we are developing our creative skills. Our learning goals are: I can explore and describe different movements. I can...
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Bee Week
Last week at Blackmoor we had a week focusing on Science, for our topic in Year 2 we looked at Bees! On Monday we talked about bees and...
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We're going on a bee hunt!
It's science week in school and in Rowan it's all about the bees. This week we have been learning about bees and why they are so...
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PE Superstars!
This half term we are developing our creative skills. Our learning goals are: I can explore and describe different movements. I can begin...
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Wonderfully creative bunch!
Rowan love art and learning about current artist and artists from the past. We have enjoyed looking at the art of Jean-Michel Basquiat...
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