Maths Investigation Outside
Rowan had fun using the outdoor learning classroom for our Maths lesson. This week in Maths we have been learning how to split numbers...
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Dance Superstars!
Last term in PE we focused on developing our cognitive skills. Our learning goals were as follows: I can name some things I am good at. I...
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Number Day in Rowan
Rowan celebrated Number Day 2022 in style. We all looked wonderful in number, shape and patterned clothes. We explored number, shape and...
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Celebrating Chinese New Year
Rowan had lots of fun this week when we had visitors helping us to learn all about Chinese New Year, how to say some phrases in Chinese...
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Amara and the Bats meet Rowan!
Last week Rowan took part in an online author session with Emma Reynolds. Emma is an author and has written a wonderful book call 'Amara...
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We're Going on a Shape Hunt....
Rowan have been busy for the past three weeks learning about the names and properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We went outside for some of...
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Picture Perfect!
Do you know how to take a good photograph? Rowan are learning what it takes to take a good photograph. Let us tell you more... First we...
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We have been investigating 2D Shapes - Class Oak
We have really enjoyed learning about shapes and their properties. Can you find any shapes in your home? What are they? Can you name...
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We are learning to be Digital Photographers - Class Oak
How do you take photos on an Ipad? What is the difference between Landscape and Portrait photographs? How do we stop images blurring? How...
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Outdoor Learning in Rowan
We had lots of fun learning outdoors this week. We are starting a new science topic 'Living Things and their Habitats' and went exploring...
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