First week back...
This week has been fun. We are exploring watercolours in art. Plants in science. Grouping data in computing. We sang a song in Spanish...
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A love of learning...
In year 1 we love our new topics and absorbing new information. We are currently learning all about the body and our senses in Science....
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We are ready for a new term...
We are back from our break ready to learn lots of exciting new information. We have been focused and eager to explore new topics.
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Its Christmas...
This week has been so much fun. Santa Hunt, party day, Santa dash plus all of the great activities in between. We are ready for a break...
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On a cold and frosty morning...
Christmas preparations are well underway. The classrooms are full of excitement and glitter. The nativities are all done - and we were...
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The show must go on....
This week we have been rehearsing our nativity. In the hall, dress rehearsals and performing for reception. It's been so much fun. Many...
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December is here...
This week we have been looking at the weather and appropriate clothes in science. During sessions Music we have been rehearsing our...
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Artists, scientists and discussions oh my...
This week we continued our printing. We used items pressed in dough to make prints. It was so exciting to see our final prints on the...
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PE Superstars!
This term in PE we focused on developing our social skills. Our learning goals are: I can play with others and take turns and share with...
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The children are excited...
Talks of the nativity are upon us in Year 1 - we can feel the excitement. We are busy singing the songs and listening to our friends say...
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