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Aliens love underpants in kindi

This week we introduced the story 'Aliens love underpants' the children have really enjoyed creating, counting, singing and learning all about aliens, underpants and spaceships...

We have started our 'Read Write Inc' phonics this week! All the children have been introduced to the sound 'm'. We have listened carefully to the sound 'm' and 'Fred the frog' has helped us to listen for the sound at the beginning of words. Can your child tell you the sound m and any words that begin with that sound? Can you look for things around the house beginning with m?

When we write the sound 'm' we use a rhyme to help us form the letter correctly for 'm' it is 'Maisie Mountain Mountain' Can your child have a try at writing using our rhyme?

We have been writing the sound 'm' in the sand, in the air with our magic finger, on paper, on post it notes, with chalks, with paint. Please don't worry if your child is unable to write this sound making marks on paper and saying our rhyme is a good start to thinking about how we form letters.

We will continue to learn a different sound each week always recapping on the week before sounds, until we build a few sounds to be able to sound out simple words.

In P.E this week we have been working in teams to play some fun games...

Own clothes day is Friday 18th November for children in need!

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