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Home Learning Tasks - Week 3

Good morning everyone, we hope you are all safe and well.

This week please start week 3 of your home learning packs . All the work is in the envelope marked week 3.

The First 3 days of The White Rose Maths sheets have the wrong week written on them - the videos for these lessons can be found under Autumn term week 11 and not week 12. Apologies for any confusion this may have caused.

English tasks are all based on the story book 'Dogger'.

Please also read other stories as much as you can and complete a phonics lesson per day as this will help to keep sounds and blending fresh and support your child's Reading.

There are Tasks will on Purple Mash for other subjects such as Science, History etc...

They include work on Materials and The Christmas Day Truce.

Your child can also explore and complete other activities on Purple Mash.

Have a happy and busy week. Keep uploading your wonderful work and keep in touch with your teacher by email.

Year 2 Team

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