A busy week in Kindi 3+
We have started doing our 'busy time' activities, all of these activities are set to develop our fine motor control ready for writing. We have used the play dough to follow simple finger exercises and the tweezers to pinch pom poms. We have been using the scissors to cut paper carefully and big paper to draw on a large scale whilst lying on our tummies. All of these activities have been good fun!

For our number time this week we have been learning different number songs to 5. We are beginning to introduce the numbers using number songs and counting games.
Each day we sing the days of the week song and talk about the calendar date changing and the weather. Can your child sing the days of the week song to you at home? Can they look out the window and tell you what the weather is like?
We have began to talk about our 5 senses the children have been learning a lovely song! Here is the link if you would like to listen and join in at home...
We have used our sense of taste by food tasting of lemon and limes the children all had a taste and told us if they liked the taste or not. Can your child tell you how they felt after tasting these citrus fruits?
We have also used our sense of sight to look around outside and see what we could see!
Thank you for sending your beautiful family photos in they are a good talking point whilst we have been still talking about ourselves this week. Can you spot your picture on our family tree in the cloakroom area? If you haven't yet sent a photo there is still lots of room on the tree for when your able to send one in.
We have been talking again all about how to look after our teeth and the children are developing a great understanding of why its important to look after our teeth and ourselves. We will continue to talk about ourselves and health care throughout the rest of this half term.
We have also been having parachute fun outdoors this week all the children have enjoyed playing together singing songs and trying to keep the ball on the parachute.
We hope you have a lovely weekend ready for more kindi fun next week!
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