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Week 2, Year 1...we've got this!

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

Good Morning everyone, we hope you all had a restful and happy weekend and everyone is safe and well in your family.

This week we are going to work through the Home Learning pack weeks 1 and 2 and complete as many of the revision tasks as we can.

We will be sending out the next set of Read Write Inc. videos for you to work through.

We will be sharing more story time sessions later in the week. Don't forget to watch Miss Pendleton reading one of her favourite stories - 'The Gruffalo' on our blog.

If you need any extra activities to do you could use this story, 'The Gruffalo' as a starting point - you could retell the story to somebody in your house, draw and label your own mythical creature - give it a name and write about it. Write a recipe for a meal for your character. Make a model out of playdough . Draw and make the forest where the creature lives, there are lots of different ways to use a good story!

This week our project learning will include investigating our senses - focusing on our sense of smell in detail. Can you do an experiment with your child - put some different items in covered cups - e.g coffee, vinegar, bubble bath, chocolate, etc and see if your child can smell them and work out what it is!

There is also a challenge! Can you find out about the Liverpool Mountain? What is it? Where is it? What is it for?

For PHSE the focus is to think about how we learn, and that we all learn in different ways, we use our senses to help us too.

All project tasks will be on Purple Mash.

Please email your photographs of your work, experiments and tasks to your class teacher -we love to see you having fun and learning together!

Have a great week.

Year 1 Team

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