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Oak Trip to Walton Hall Gardens

To celebrate all of our hard work this year at the end of the year we went on a trip to Walton Hall Gardens. This was continuing our science learning that have we conducted so far this year based around habitats and plant growth. The trip had us all up bright and early for a coach journey to the Gardens. For Oak class our trip started with an extended play in the amazing play area, I think some monkeys may have escaped from the Zoo because we had brilliant climbers in our class.

Next on our trip was an exciting woodland walk. Here we looked at the woodland habitat and some of the plants that would grow in a wood. Alongside the walk there was a cool treetop obstacle course that we could see the older children taking part in. Our class was very excited to watch the older children climb about the course and were disapointed that they weren't old enough to join in! When we continued on our woodland walk we stumbled upon a hut that had been built from sticks and leaves.

After lunch and an important game of 'duck duck goose' we were back on our learning adventure. This time a walk in the zoo. We loved to see all of the animals in the zoo including some that we hadn't seen before. One of our favourite moments in the zoo was when an alpaca got so hot that he had to cool down in a swimming pool! It really was that hot!

We finished our day and took a picture of everyone in Oak all together, We have loved each and everyone of our children in our class this year and are so proud of the work they have done all year. They have made us all so happy to be their teachers this year and can't wait for them to carry on being brilliant in their new year 3 classes. Good luck Oak, keep being the superstars we know you are!

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