Working hard at Blackmoor Park Infants...
Updated: Feb 14, 2022
What another busy week at school. This week was safer internet week. We found out about how important it is to be safe online. We never talk to strangers or give out personal information. We looked at healthy foods in Science and DT. We created a menu in Science discussing the importance of food for growth. Then in DT we talked about the different equipment used to juice, chop and grate food. In art we used techniques previously learnt and used this as a background for silhouettes of our favourite Liverpool sculptures. This linked in with our Zoom call with Momoko Abe who is a famous illustrator and author. She read her latest book When The Sun Goes Home, we talked about sunrise, sunset and feelings. We explored the UK using Atlases and Google Earth to locate England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Our new outdoor classroom was open for visitors last week and we LOVE it! We can't wait to use it again.
Year 1 Team
