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PE Stars in Elm

This term in PE we've been looking at developing our cognitive skills, our learning goals are as follows:

ALL of us can understand and follow simple rules.

MANY of us can begin to order instructions, movements and skills.

SOME of us can recognise similarities and differences in performance.

In our warm ups we've been practising our creative jumps whilst negotiating space collectively, in our slideshow you'll even see some karate jumps!!

For the last 3 weeks the fundamental physical skill we've been focusing on is a static balance. We been learning together on what a static balance is, how we maintain our balance and how to hold these positions in a smooth and controlled manner. We applied our skills in a gamje called mirror image, where we have to copy our partners upper body movements while maintaining a static balance.

Our coloured challenges are in our slideshow, feel free to have a go at home together!

We reflected on our lesson by answering some questions chosen by the children, e.g what did you enjoy?, what can you do differently next time?